All recipes
Oil, butter and cream
About onions, garlic, chives and leeks
Summery spicy fish dish
Veal balsamic & porcini
The 'Pomodoresse'
Lasagne with spinach and bolognese sauce
Bolognese sauce
Leg of lamb with gorgonzola
Lamb of the liar
Savory tartlet with mustard and tomato
Turkey filets with tomatoes and balsamic vinegar
Ricotta with pears (and chocolate)
Panna cotta with red fruit
Pecorino tartlet
Zucchini terrine
Ravioli filled with spinach and ricotta cheese
Lava cakes with white heart
Meatloaf with porcini and chestnuts
Rigatoni pumpkin, porcini & sausages
Salad with chicken and grapes
🕐 preparation time
🔪 Preparation, cutting
🍳 cooking or baking time on the fire
⏱️ baking time in the oven
✋🏽 wait, rest or marinate
👩🏼🍳 easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 not so easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 very difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 for advanced users only