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Chicken and ricotta meatloaf
Polpettone di pollo e ricotta Ingredients 4 people 350 g finely ground chicken breast 100 g raw ham cut into pieces 250 g ricotta 60...

Tartlet with courgette from the oven
Flan di zucchine al forno Ingredients 4 people 2 medium-sized courgettes 60 grams butter 4 eggs 160 ml milk 80 grams flour 30 grams sugar...

Lieke's lemon cake
Torta al Limone di Lieke Ingredients 8-10 pieces, the base 100 grams of cold butter 200 grams of flour 100 grams of sugar 1 egg Filling: 2...

Tuna balls
Polpettine al tonno Ingredients 4 people 200 grams of ricotta 2 hard-boiled eggs 200 grams of tuna in oil (drained weight) 12 small...

Ricotta cake by Julia & Valentina
Torta alla ricotta di Julia e Valentina Ingredients 8-10 pieces 125 grams butter 240 grams flour 100 grams sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1...

Yoghurt cake
Torta allo yogurt Ingredients 500 grams of Greek yoghurt 125 grams of sugar 3 eggs 40 grams of cornstarch vanilla essence or lemon juice Garnish...

Pecorino tartlet
Tortino di pecorino Ingredients 6 servings 3 eggs 100 grams mild pecorino cheese, grated (no pecorino romano!!!) 100 grams provolone or...

Zucchini terrine
Sformato di zucchine Ingredients 4 servings 4 courgettes 2 eggs 250 grams ricotta 30 grams grated parmesan cheese 4-5 large vegetable...

Lava cakes with white heart
Tortino di lava al cioccolato Ingredients 3-4 pieces 150 grams dark chocolate: around 60% or higher according to taste 80 grams butter 2 eggs...

Meatloaf with porcini and chestnuts
Polpettone funghi e castagne Ingredients Serves 4 200 g chestnuts 2 bags dried ceps Olive oil 1 clove garlic...

Vegetarian spaghetti carbonara
Spaghetti alle carbonara vegetariana Ingredients 4 people (as main course) 400-500 gram spaghetti Olive oil Chilli peppers...

Spinach-ricotta balls
Malfatti or gnudi Ingredients 6 people 600 grams of spinach (frozen, defrosted) 1 small onion Olive oil 150 grams of ricotta 100 grams of fresh...

Eggplant balls
Polpette di melanzane Ingredients 16-24 balls 2 large eggplants diced Olive oil 2-3 cloves garlic Chili flakes...

Spaghetti alla carbonara
Spaghetti carbonara Ingredients 4 persons (as main course) 400-500 gram spaghetti Olive oil Chilli peppers (chiliflakes) 1 whole...

Scallops with prosecco foam
Capesante nella schiuma di prosecco Ingredients Serves 4 3 medium eggs 1.5 tablespoons honey 3 tablespoons soy sauce 16 scallops...

Turkey in tuna sauce
Tacchino tonnato Ingredients 4-8 servings 1 piece of 750 gram turkey breast (can be heavier as well) 3 smaller carrots in pieces...

Tuscan Tiramisu
Tiramisù classico Ingredients 4-6 persons 5 eggs devided 5 tablespoons granulated sugar 500 grams mascarpone 2 packs ladyfingers or...

Pavlova with creamy mascarpone and fruit
Pavlova con crema di mascarpone e frutti di bosco Ingredients 8 servings 3 egg whites 150 grams sugar 1,5 teaspoon lemon juice 1,5...
🕐 preparation time
🔪 Preparation, cutting
🍳 cooking or baking time on the fire
⏱️ baking time in the oven
✋🏽 wait, rest or marinate
👩🏼🍳 easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 not so easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 very difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 for advanced users only
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