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Ricotta with pears (and chocolate)

Ricotta con pere (e cioccolato)

Ingredients 4 pieces

(depending on the size also 6)

500 grams ricotta

2-3 tablespoons of icing sugar

1-2 juicy pears

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2-3 tablespoons Nesquick, cocoa or coarsely grated (dark) chocolate

4 (or 6) glasses


🕐 15 🔪 (10 ✋🏽) 👩🏼‍🍳

1. Beat the ricotta with the icing sugar. One minute is enough, otherwise the ricotta will be too watery.

2. Peel the pear and cut it into small pieces. Depending on your taste you can use 1 or 2 pears. Sprinkle with lemon juice so they stay slightly sour and don't turn brown.

3. Put one or two tablespoons (depending on the size of the glasses) of ricotta mixture into a glass.

4. Spoon in some pear: how much depends on your taste. Keep some pear for the garnish on top. You can now sprinkle the pear with Nesquick or with cocoa. If you don't like it, you can leave it out.

5. Spoon ricotta on top again so the pear is completely covered.

6. Scoop some pear pieces on top and sprinkle (if you like) with Nesquick or cocoa again.

7. You can now put the glasses away in the fridge until use. If you cover them, they can easily stay in the fridge for a few hours. The ricotta will then become firmer again.

If you want to serve them right away, that's fine too. They are delicious anyway.

👉🏽 Je kunt heel veel doen met ricotta. Als in een recept mascarpone staat, kun je het vaak vervangen door ricotta. Ricotta is veel minder vet dan mascarpone namelijk.

If you like, you can replace the pear with another fruit, like mango. You can also use almond shavings or hazelnut crumbs instead of chocolate.

👉🏽 Als je de kans krijgt, koop dan verse ricotta. En nog lekkerder: schapenricotta. Die is meer uitgesproken van smaak.

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