Panna cotta ai frutti di bosco
Ingredients 4-8 pieces
(depending on the size)
3 leaves of gelatine
250 ml milk
250 ml whipped cream
2 sachets vanilla sugar
3 + 2 tablespoons icing sugar or fine caster sugar
1 cup raspberries or strawberries (250 g)
fresh mint
Take aluminium foil moulds or silicone moulds
🕐 20 🔪 180-240 ✋🏽 👩🏼🍳
1. Soak the gelatine sheets in some cold water.
2. Put the milk and cream in a bowl, pour about a quarter of the mixture into a saucepan together with the vanilla sugar and 3 tablespoons of (icing or granulated) sugar and heat over a low heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Let the mixture simmer very gently for about 5 minutes. Then take the pan off the heat.
3. Squeeze out the gelatine sheets and add them to the pan. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Mix the warm liquid with the rest of the cream mixture in the bowl and stir well.
4. When the mixture has cooled down a little, spoon the panna cotta into bowls or glasses, depending on how you want to serve it. Do you prefer to serve in pudding moulds so that you can turn them over afterwards? Then grease the moulds very thinly with some butter or oil and spoon the panna cotta into them. Leave the panna cotta to set in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours.
5. For the fruit sauce: puree the fruit and the icing sugar with a hand blender. Keep a few fruits for the garnish.
6. If you want to serve the panna cotta from the moulds on plates: do so carefully and pour the sauce on or around the panna cotta. If you want to serve the panna cotta in glasses: pour some sauce on each glass, sprinkle some fruit on it and serve with fresh mint!
👉🏽 Dit basisrecept van panna cotta kan je in feite met elke saus serveren. Probeer eens caramelsaus of chocoladesaus. Lekker is deze ook met lemoncurd en zwarte bes.