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Chicken fillet in lemon sauce

Scaloppine di pollo al limone

Ingredients 4 persons

4 tablespoons olive oil

4 chicken fillets

3 tablespoons flour

1-2 lemons, squeezed

Pepper and salt


Frying pan

🕐 15🔪15🍳 ️ 👩🏼🍳

1. Cut the chicken fillets into thin slices across the width so that you get several fillets. Or flatten the chicken fillets completely.

2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a low heat.

3. Sprinkle the flour on a plate and pass the thin fillets through it.

4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

5. Briefly fry the fillets on each side.

6. Add the lemon juice and cook over a gentle heat. The sauce will now boil down to a velvety sauce.

7. Chop the parsley very finely.

8. Serve the chicken fillets with the sauce on the plates and sprinkle with parsley.

👉🏽 Uiteraard is dit recept ook te maken met kalkoenfilets die je plat slaat of met heel dunne plakjes kalfilet.


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