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Ravioli filled with spinach and ricotta cheese

Tortelli Maremmani

Ingredients 4 persons

(as main course)

egg pasta

3 eggs and 250-300 grams (spelt-) flour

200-220 gram ricotta losgeroerd en uitgelekt 150 gr gekookte en goed uitgeperste (diepvries)spinazie 2 eetlepels Parmezaanse kaas Zout naar smaak Ruim peper Ruim nootmuskaat

80 grams of butter

15-20 sage leaves


Pasta machine and ravioli temple

🕐 60-80🔪8-10🍳 👩🏼‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳👩🏼‍🍳

Making fresh pasta

1. Mix 3 eggs with 250 gram flour. Check if the paste feels a bit velvety. If it is too wet: add some more flour. Usually you end up with about 300 gram flour, but carefully add some more until it's a fine dough.

2. Turn the dough into plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. You can make the dough long (even a day) in advance and just leave it in the fridge.

Turning pasta

1. If you have a little machine that you turn by hand, attach it to the countertop or table.

2. On a table or the countertop, place a clean tea towel or tablecloth.

3. Now turn the dough through the pasta machine: take a part of the dough and turn it through position 0 or 1. When the dough is no longer crumbling but is a nice smooth slice, turn the machine on speed 2 and turn the dough again. Repeat this until you reach speed 8. The dough is now long, somewhat narrower and thin. Put it on the tablecloth and flour it. If necessary, cut a long piece in the middle.

4. You do this with all the pasta. You can either roll all the pasta first and then fill it, or roll part of it, fill it, and then mix the excess with the remaining dough again, so you're not left with a dry hunk at the end.

Making stuffing

1. Thaw or cook the spinach. Cut fresh spinach very small. Put everything in a sieve or colander with small holes. Let all the moisture leak out.

2. Stir in the ricotta and drain it well too.

3. Add the spinach and ricotta together and stir well. Add the parmesan cheese. Add pepper and nutmeg and taste regularly. Also add salt, but be careful because the parmesan cheese often makes the mixture saltier already.

4. In the end, you have a smooth filling that is not too wet.

Making Ravioli

1. Choose two strips of pasta of about equal size. Place one strip of pasta on a board with some flour underneath.

2. Choose a large mould for the ravioli (you can buy special 'ravioli stamps'). Press it very lightly on the strip of pasta, so that you can see the contours. Place a teaspoon of filling in the middle of each square.

3. Place a strip of pasta over the mounds of filling. Press the air out around the filling. Now punch out a ravioli with the ravioli die. Lay each ravioli on a clean tea towel and if necessary prick a small hole in the top with a wooden stick, so that any remaining air can escape. If you don't do that, they will 'collapse' when you start cooking them.

4. When all the raviolis are ready, you can keep them outside the fridge for about 6-8 hours, covered with (again) a clean tea towel. Turn the ravioli's regularly.

Cooking and serving ravioli

1. In a large saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add a little salt.

2. Add the raviolis to the pan, but not so many that they stick together. Cook them gently in 4-8 minutes. Scoop them out with a slotted spoon. And place them on a preheated plate.

3. In a small saucepan, heat the butter on not too high a heat and chop the sage into smaller pieces. When the butter is hot enough, add the sage and some pepper and salt.

4. Sprinkle some butter with sage over the raviolis and serve immediately.

👉🏽 Verse pasta Op zich het maken van verse pasta helemaal niet zo ingewikkeld. Je hebt vooral geduld nodig. En het maken van gevulde pastasoorten kost gewoon tijd. Heb je er lol in dan kun je overwegen om een elektrische machine (of een hulpstuk op je keukenmachine) aan te schaffen. Koop er nooit een met vormpjes, want meestal gaat dat niet zo goed.

If you only have a machine that rolls pasta into lasagna sheets, then making lasagna is also a breeze: you cut the pasta sheets to length.

Do you want tagliatelle: you roll up the pasta sheets and cut them into strips. Nothing tastes better than fresh pasta. The pasta can be kept in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a week.

Then cook it in plenty of water for about 5-8 minutes, depending on how long the pasta has been in the fridge.

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