Chicken and ricotta meatloaf
Polpettone di pollo e ricotta Ingredients 4 people 350 g finely ground chicken breast 100 g raw ham cut into pieces 250 g ricotta 60...
🕐 preparation time
🔪 Preparation, cutting
🍳 cooking or baking time on the fire
⏱️ baking time in the oven
✋🏽 wait, rest or marinate
👩🏼🍳 easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 not so easy
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 very difficult
👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳👩🏼🍳 for advanced users only